Friday, December 3, 2010

Parent visit!!

My parents arrive today to visit me for a week!  I'm sooo excited to see them!  We plan to spend the week together seeing different parts of Guatemala and spend lots of time talking and catching up.  It might be hard for my dad though, because when the conversation turns to tears and feelings he won't be able to leave the room to "check the steaks" like he did when we talked on Skype!  :) 

I've been back to work in Villa Nueva this week at the Cerritos' house.  It has been great to see everyone again.  I missed my friends and family here, and they missed me too!  I've had really good conversations with some of my teenagers and women.  I had to miss sewing class again this week, which I was bummed about.  I heard that many of the women are finished with their quilts and presented them to the class this week.  I heard that they are amazing and I can't wait to see them.  I have quite a ways to go before I am able to present mine, so I bought a beautiful quilt at the market in Panajachel, near Lake Atitlan over Thanksgiving weekend when I was there so I can present that!  :) 

After much prayer I have decided to serve at a different ministry within the Strategy of Transformation network at the beginning of the new year.  This was the way my internship was originally designed in order to provide different experiences and learning opportunities.  I'm looking forward to what God has in store.  I don't know yet where I will be working, so we will see where God leads. 
Please pray for safety as my parents and I travel this week.  Also, one verse God has been showing me is, and I forget where it's found, but to "set my heart and mind on things above, not on earthly things." So please pray that I will be able to do this, and that I can trust in His unfailing love.  Thank you!!


  1. Amy -
    Have a wonderful belated birthday & Thanksgiving and early Merry Christmas with your mom & dad!!!
    Praying that you have an awesome week together :)

  2. Good morning Amy.

    I'm so glad you have gotten some time for refreshment and renewal and I'm praying that your time with your mom and dad is going great! What a treat for you and for them!

    I'm praying God's blessing for you!


  3. Amy,
    I just learned about your trip to the hospital and I am praying for a rapid recovery. What a blessing that your mom (nurse) and dad (tower of strength) are there with you. Of course, your Heavenly Father/Healer is always with you!
    I'm not usually a blogger, but now that I've found yours I will definitely follow it.
    Blessings, Lois Knooihuizen

  4. Hermana,
    Estoy orando por ti!
    Mucho amor,
