Tuesday, October 12, 2010

different but the same

There has been so much about this experience that has been so hard because everything is so drastically different from what I'm used to.  But one thing that I notice as I listen to people's stories and build relationships is that people are the same wherever you go.  They struggle with self esteem, loneliness, getting along with others, depression, anxiety, alcoholism, relationship issues, etc.  I've really been enjoying connecting with the teenagers in the community, and last Friday I had the privilege of connecting with one teen who was having a particularly hard day.  As we cried and prayed together it struck me how much we have in common, and as he spoke beautiful words about how grateful he is that I am here for him, the feeling is definitely mutual and it was a very affirming moment.  I feel like even though my Spanish isn't great yet, God is using me.  And He's showing me that I want to work with teens in the future! They're fantastic. 
Please pray for my teen friend, and for the other teens of the church and community. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy, I have had the blessing and privilege of working in many different communities on the mission trips I have been on, and the volunteer work I am involved in here in GR. One of the biggest impacts was realizing that it's not me and "them", but it's us and we. We ALL desire health, security, safety, and provisions. Be thankful that God allowed you to realize this with your teen friend because it will change how you react and relate to the people you are blessed to work with. Thanks for being vulnerable and honest in your writings! Praying that you sleep well tonight and continue to feel the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
