When I work at the shelter I lead group with the women, and we talk about various topics, like self esteem, emotions, communication, and this week the topic was controlling our emotions and anger management. At first, the women had difficulty opening up, and even denied having any anger issues at all. They said they didn't really need to address that topic! It was really funny, especially since I know for a fact that at least one of them does have serious anger management issues, since she has told me her story and admitted that she used to be part of a gang, and her old way of dealing with issues was to physically hurt or kill others. So, I pressed on with the topic of the week! :) They did open up a bit, which was cool. I provided a handout of principles for managing anger, and one of them was to talk with the person you're angry with, which really surprised all the women! They couldn't believe that I would ask that of them. CO MU NI CA CIÓN (communication). They are finally understanding its importance, and we got to have a good discussion about it. But when I asked for a demonstration and provided an example--they were so stubborn!
We continued with the anger management discussion on Friday, where I was able to provide a great example of anger management and communication. One of the ladies, the one who particularly struggles with anger management, pointed out while I was speaking that there were bugs on the couch behind me. Of course, she told me this in Spanish, using words I didn't know, along with some gestures. I understood enough words and gestures that I got that there was something going on behind me. And I freaked out, big time. Especially since there had recently been a lice outbreak at the shelter. I jumped, and squealed, and said things in English that no one could understand (good thing, for sure), when the women said "What's the problem, you're scared of some little bugs?" Umm, ya think? I explained in an agitated tone of voice that I don't like insects, and it's difficult for me when I don't understand what they are telling me. To which the women replied, ANGER MANAGEMENT and COMUNICACIÓN. Oops. Nailed. I then showed them my stellar emotional control (haha) by stating that I felt frustrated when I couldn't understand what she was saying, and then I really was scared by the bugs, and then I felt sad that they were laughing at me. And then I took several deep breaths. And we continued talking. Group session saved!
I thought you all would like that! :)
Thanks soooo much for your support.
LOL I can so picture what you were saying in English!!! hahaha